
Jone Tan

Joined: 3 October 2024 Last seen: 1 month ago

Points: 0 Profile views: 72

, United States of America

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Jone Tan

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Jone Tan
1 month ago In General

Who will build and control the infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.)?

A question that has interested me since the beginning of Earth2 and which I have asked Shane countless times but never received an answer to is who will build the infrastructure (roads, bridges, schools, railroads if available etc.) or control the proper construction of these? In real life there are public order offices and other authorities. But who will be responsible for this in Earth2? Anot
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Jone Tan

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Jone Tan
2 months ago In Speculations

What is the most effective method to collect as much e-thers as possible with little effort?

There are various ways to collect E-Ther. These include raiding, buying tiles on E-Ther hotspots, buying of 4 tiles to neighbors with a lot of Essence and raiding etc. But which of these is the best and most effective?
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Jone Tan

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Jone Tan
2 months ago In Resources

Apart from E-Ther, is it possible to collect Reccources on third-party land?

Is it possible to collect only E-Ther from third-party land like from the neighbors, or also reccources like gold, diamonds etc.? If so, how does it work and is there anything you should be aware of? What differences are there with regard to tile types such as T1, T2, T3?

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